Template 2 - Image Banner with CTA

The Image Banner template allows you to leverage your own marketing assets for Verified Campaigns.

Below are the guidelines for using your own banners on Verified Campaigns:

1. Verified Caller ID:

  • PDU Aspect Ratio: 320x140

  • Image Dimensions: 320x140

  • Image File Format: .jpeg, .png, .gif

  • Image File Size: >2 MB

  • File Storage: Needs to be hosted on business's CDN bucket

  • Redirection : Not Available

  • Local Language Support: Yes

2. After Call Screen: Universal and Missed Call

  • PDU Aspect Ratio: 320x140

  • Image Dimensions: 320x140

  • Image File Format: .jpeg, .png, .gif

  • Image File Size: >2 MB

  • Redirection: Landing page on mobile web browser or app deeplink supported

  • Image File Hosting: Needs to be hosted on business's CDN bucket

  • Local Language Support: Yes

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