The analytics dashboard has multiple reports enabled based on the features that are linked to your plan, each covering comprehensive insights to help you up your calling game.
Performance Metrics: In this report, get a snapshot of your overall performance like:
Listed numbers
Verified Numbers: Phone numbers with Verified Badge
Priority Numbers: Phone numbers with Priority Badge
KPIs of last 7 days
Total outgoing calls: Calls made from business number to Truecaller users
Unique Users CPR: Unique User Call Pick Up Rate (Percentage of calls answered by unique users to total unique user count)
Calls per user
Avg call duration (in seconds)
KPIs of selected date range
Total outgoing calls: Calls made from business number to Truecaller users
Unique Users CPR: Unique User Call Pick Up Rate (Percentage of calls answered by unique users to total unique user count)
Calls per user
Avg call duration (in seconds)
Monthly consumption status of last 3 months (showing a comparison of total outgoing calls and total answered calls)
Daily trend of all calls (showing total outgoing calls, total answered calls and unique receivers)
Average Call Duration
Unique Call Pick Up Rate (CPR)
Time slot analysis
Slot analysis of calls (Calls made vs Calls answered)
Call pickup rate (CPR) vs time slots comparison
Daily trend (Calls made vs time slot)
Daily trend (CPR vs time slot )
Lead Performance
CPR and Lead performance
Detailed Report: This report gives you an in-depth analysis of your calling performance at the number level, such as:
Spam Report
Call Pickup Rate
Average Call Duration
Time Slot Analysis
Lead Performance
Label Performance
Call Reason Performance: This report provides insights on how people are responding to the context you set for your calls, such as:
Total Call Reasons Set
CPR vs Call Reason Comparison
Unique Call Reason Performance
Average Call Duration on Call Reason
Number level analysis of Call reason
Video Caller ID Performance: This report will give you an overview of how people are engaging with your branded video, such as:
Total/Avg. Watch time
Number Level Video Performance
Daily & Average Trends of Videos
Videos Played by Badge
User level data: You can analyze aggregate user level information like demographics, device and lead management. Some analytics available to you include:
State wise analysis
User Device / Price Brackets
City Wise Analysis
Effectively Engaged Audience
Minimally Engaged Audience
CPR - Attempt Wise Analysis
Call management API: Delve deeper into Call Management APIs performance with rich calling performance insights like:
API Calling Overview
API Calling Trends
Valid API Requests Overview
Invalid API Requests Overview
The analytics dashboard updates every 24 hours. There is a latency of 24 hours like any other standard analytics product/module available in the market.
Reports can be downloaded by clicking on the three-dot menu in the right-hand corner of the dashboard.
The Download option will be available in PDF and CSV format.
Using the Analytics feature on the Truecaller for Business console, you can slice and dice your calling patterns, customer behavior and trends to drive performance of your calling campaigns.
You can see how often customer perform meaningful actions, monitor growth of key calling cohorts and know how current trends compare to previous results.
You can click on “Analytics” in the left navigation menu to access calling insights.
Reports can be scheduled by clicking on the three-dot menu in the right-hand corner of the dashboard.
While scheduling reports, options are available to:
Set Frequency: Report frequency can be set as daily, weekly, monthly, hourly, or custom.
Set Time: Specific time can be selected to schedule the report.
Set Receiver Email: You can add the email addresses of every recipient who should receive this report. You can also add people not added as users on your account.
Report Format: Reports are available in three formats:
PNG image file