You have to begin configuring your feature set by activating the Caller ID feature first.
Without enabling the Caller ID feature, you will not be able to activate the other features available to you.
To activate the Caller ID feature, click on the “Caller ID” toggle.
You can either create a new caller ID or choose from your list of existing caller IDs.
Once you see the Caller ID toggle activated, your Verified Business Caller ID feature is now configured.
If you want to create a new caller ID, click on “Create New”.
You now have to add a logo to the caller ID. While adding a logo for your caller ID, ensure you are using a 200x200px logo in a PNG format.
Add your label name.
Choose your business category and a sub-category.
Click on “Create Caller ID”.
Your new caller ID is now ready to be used.
Once your account has been created and verified, you are ready to begin setting up your calling operations.
In this section, you will get to know all about getting started on the Truecaller for Business console.
Feature Set is a group of features like Caller ID, Business Profile, Call Reason, etc. that you can enable for a particular process of your calling operations.
Once you have added a process to your Calling Operations, click on “Configure” to start configuring your Process.
This will take you to the Feature Set Configuration page.
Click on “Add Feature Set” to configure different feature sets for the numbers related to your calling process.
On clicking “Add Feature Set”, you will see the list of features available for you as per your subscription plan.
After adding your calling operations, you can add a process to each of your calling operations.
Select the Calling Operation you want to add a process to and click on “Add Process”.
Add the name of your Process and click on Save.
After you have activated Caller ID in your Feature Set, you have to add the list of numbers for which the Feature Set will be applicable.
Click on Add Numbers and upload the numbers that you want to add for the feature set in .CSV format.
You can click on "Download sample", if you need a reference on the format in which the numbers need to be uploaded.
Ensure that you use the right format mentioned in the sample CSV and don't miss out on country code (91) for India.
Click on “Publish” after successfully adding numbers to list your numbers with the configured feature set.
Congratulations! Your Verified Business Caller ID will now be active.
Your Verified Business console is now ready for further configurations.
Once your Caller ID feature has been configured, you can proceed to customize your feature set further by configuring other features like Call Reason, Video Caller ID, Call Me Back, User Feedback.
Don't worry, you can do further configurations even after you have published a feature set.
‘Calling Operations’ are day-to-day calling use-cases of a Department. These are pre-defined to help your business with a quick setup.
A ‘Department’ is an autonomous business unit that can have multiple calling operations inside it. If your business has multiple units or has subsidiary businesses with similar calling operations, having different departments gives a clear picture of each respective calling metrics and helps to keep your business numbers and their feature sets properly segregated.
After your account has been approved and your subscription has been activated , you can start your onboarding by setting up your calling operations.
Select your calling operations from the existing list visible on the landing page.
Click on Next after you have selected your required Calling operations.
On the next screen, you can see all your calling operations listed.
In case you want to add a calling operation that is not listed currently in the list displayed, reach out to us at cs@truecaller.com and we will help you out.
When a configured feature set is unpublished, it goes into draft mode. All features that were enabled for the set of numbers configured in this feature set will be disabled.
Once you have enabled your required features in the feature set configuration page, click on Publish.
All features that you have enabled will now be available on the numbers uploaded for the feature set.