[POST] Call Personalisation

Sync API to send call personalisation data for a Caller-Receiver combination. This is a real-time API

Here are a few things to consider when pushing the records through the API :-

  • Caller and receiver should be phone numbers without the “+” character.

  • ends_at should not be before the current timestamp.

  • starts_at and ends_at cannot be more than 24 hrs apart

  • label_id should be that of a dynamic label belonging to this client.

  • Label name and call reason are optional fields.

  • Max length for label name is 40 chars

  • Min length for call reason is 10 chars

  • Max length for call reason is 50 chars

  • starts_at and ends_at should be in milliseconds.

Rate limits

Truecaller for Business restricts API requests when you exceed the limits entitled to your business.

  • Each token can handle 100 requests per second

  • Maximum of 10 tokens can be created in every 30 minutes

Last updated

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