How do I setup a Questions feedback campaign?

  1. Click on the "+" sign and select "Questions" from the Add New menu displayed.

  2. Type the question that you want your customers to answer as a part of the campaign. The question can be of 100 characters maximum.

  3. There can be three types of feedback questions - Multi choice short, Multi choice long, Free Text. Select the feedback type from the drop down menu after typing the question.

    • For Multi choice short questions, there can be a minimum of 2 options and a maximum of 3 options.

    • For Multi choice long questions, there can be a minimum of 2 options and a maximum of 4 options.

  4. Each option can be 15 characters maximum.

  5. Click on “Save” to save your Question as a feedback card.

  1. To add more Feedback Cards, click on the “+” sign below an existing feedback card.

  2. The order in which the feedback cards are being displayed, is the same order that your customer will see the Call Ratings/Questions after answering/missing/rejecting your call.

  3. If you wish to reorder your feedback cards, simply drag a feedback card above or below another existing feedback card.

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