Fetching User Profile
Make a network call to fetch the userInfo using access token from step 14. The response would be corresponding to the scopes granted by the user.
Insert access token from the previous step - fetching user token
200: OK
“sub”: “13627101294235520", “given_name”: “xyz”, “family_name”: “xyz”, “phone_number”: “91xxxxxxxxxx", “email”: “pqr@gmail.com”, “picture”: “https://www.truecaller.com/xyz”, “gender”: “male/female”, “phone_number_country_code”: “IN”, “phone_number_verified”: true, ˇ“address”: { “locality”: “Bangalore”, “postal_code”: “5xxxxx" } }
401: Unauthorized If authentication type is not bearer token
404: Not Found Profile information is not present for the user
500: Internal Server Error Failed to validate token due to server error
401: Unauthorized Token in invalid/ expired
422: Unprocessable Entity openid scope missing in initial request
500: Internal Server Error Unexpected error at server side
Sample cURL request :
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