
Truecaller SDK provides you with capabilities to configure the following:

Refer to the below section for details on all the customization capabilities and the possible values you may set:

TcSdkOptions.Builder(this, tcOAuthCallback)

Contextual header [ .heading() ]

To provide the appropriate context of verification to the Truecaller user, use one of the below mentioned TruecallerSdkScope values to show the corresponding message to the user

Button text options [ .ctaTextPrefix() ]

To set the prefix on the CTA button

Button shape [ .buttonShapeOptions() ]

To chose the shape of the CTA button

Footer CTA text [ .footerType() ]

To configure the text of the additional footer CTA present at the bottom

Privacy policy :

To add your privacy policy link on the verification screen, you can configure the respective hyperlink from your developer account

Terms of service: To add your terms of service link on the verification screen, you can configure the respective hyperlink from your developer account

Language You can optionally customize the consent screen in any of the supported languages. To do so, add the following line :


val locale = Locale("hi") // change language to Hindi

Currently supported languages:

Last updated