Fetch User Profile

Once the user approves the verification on your app with their Truecaller profile ( by clicking the 'Continue' button on the dialog ), we will immediately post the user's accessToken and the requestID to your Callback endpoint. The sample response format would look like below :


Here, the request ID is the same string which you had earlier passed on in the deep link 'requestNonce' parameter. This parameter acts as a request-response correlation identifier and can be used by you to identify the correct source of the request. Once you receive the user's access token at your backend, you can fetch the respective user profile by making an API call to the endpoint that you receive in the above response in the following format :

Header Authorisation Parameters:

Parameter [Type]






Bearer {token}

Bearer WcBaSJYbCr5yla5z0CdAGfyj3Rruk8

Get User Profile

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer a3sAB0KnGANg4VZwIXfhUyFmPbzoONofl4FjIItac0JQSODp6niW8oBr33uOI-u7" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" "https://profile4-noneu.truecaller.com/v1/default"

Sample User Profile Response

  "phoneNumbers": ["919999999999"],
  "addresses": [
       "countryCode": "in",
       "city": "city_field_value",
       "street": "street_field_value",
       "zipcode": "1234567"
  "avatarUrl": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/images1.truecaller.com/myview/1/15a999e9806gh73834c87aaa0498020d/3", 
  "aboutMe":"About me",
  "jobTitle": "CEO", 
  "companyName": "ABC",  
  "history": {
      "updateTime": "1508089888000"
  "isActive": "True", 
  "gender": "Male", 
  "createdTime": "1379314068000", 
  "onlineIdentities": {
    "url": "https://www.truecaller.com", 
    "email": "y.s@truecaller.com",
  "type": "Personal", 
  "id": "655574719", 
  "badges": ["verified", "premium"], 
  "name": {
    "last": "Kapoor", 
    "first": "Rajat"

Please note that the optional attributes in the user profile as defined above, wouldn't exist in the response if not updated by user

Response Codes

  • 200 OK

  • 401 Unauthorised - If your credentials are not valid

  • 5xx Server error - Any other error

Please note, in case users do not wish to share their Truecaller profile ( by dismissing Truecaller profile dialog ), you'll receive a user reject error response on your callback endpoint. The sample format for the same would look as below :


Last updated