Handling Error Scenarios
In case of error, didFailToReceiveTrueProfileWithError: will return an object of type TCError (a subclass of NSError). You can get the error code by invoking the method getErrorCode on the TCError object. The list of possible TCTrueSDKErrorCode values can be found in the API documentation.
Error Code | Description |
1 | App Key is Missing. The App Key is a mandatory field. It is provided to you by Truecaller. |
2 | App Link is Missing. The App Link is a mandatory field. It is provided to you by Truecaller. |
3 | The user has decided to cancel (abort) the operation of providing TrueProfile info to your app. |
4 | The user has not signed in using the Truecaller app yet. |
5 | The SDK version is old and not compatible with the Truecaller app. |
6 | The Truecaller app version is old and not compatible with the SDK version. |
7 | Current version of iOS is not supported. |
8 | Truecaller App is Not Installed. The Truecaller app is not installed. |
9 | Network Error occurred in network communication or no network connectivity |
10 | Truecaller internal error. |
11 | The user has not been authorized by Truecaller servers. |
12 | The credentials cannot be verified. Internal error. |
13 | The Profile content is not valid. Internal error. |
14 | Bad request. Internal error. |
15 | Verification Failed because the response signature could not be verified. Internal error. |
16 | The request's nonce does not match the nonce in response. Internal error. |
17 | View delegate is Nil or not set. |
18 | Invalid first name or last name. |
19 | Cannot open app because Universal Link failed |
20 | Please add Url Scheme to plist |
Last updated