Google Play Policy Change for Device Identifiers
Truecaller SDK versions lower than v2.7.0 use device ID and SIM serial identifiers for the non-Truecaller user verification flow ( drop call based verification ). With the v2.7.0 release, we have removed dependency on these attributes. As per the recent Google play store app policy changes, apps shouldn’t use these identifiers in conjunction with the phone number. Google Play sends your app a warning in case your app ( including any integrated 3rd party libraries ) is using these identifiers.
If you are using Truecaller SDK version less than v2.7.0, we recommend you to update the same to 2.70 and above. Once you upgrade the SDK version, the above mentioned issue around play store publishing would be resolved.
The latest SDK version is completely in line to google play’s new data privacy policies and hence has been listed on the google play SDK index as well. Only policy compliant SDKs are listed on the SDK index.
Note : For the primary 1-tap flow to function via the Truecaller SDK, users need to have the Truecaller app installed and logged in on their devices. As the Truecaller app is supported only for android API level 22 (Android 5.1) and above, the SDK has also been upgraded to support the same.
For you to upgrade to the latest SDK version, you may refer to the change log here.
Last updated